Hillcrest International School Jos, Nigeria embarked on a water support project, https://www.hillcrestschool.net/about between November 2019 and April 2020. This was a project carried out by Grade four (4) students of Hillcrest International School in partnership with Clover mead Honey and Adventure Farm (Canada) and Hands On Community Networks. The project was initiated to assist the people of Rigip/Dogon Karfe communities of Abattoir Jos, Plateau State in response to prolonged challenges they experienced due to lack of access to potable drinking water. Hands On Community Networks carried out community mobilisation, project facilitation and research documentation. The project has been commissioned for use and communities are relieved that they no longer face the challenge of trekking long distances in search of water.

The project plaque


  1. Accessibility to portable drinking water

Dogon Karfe and Rigip communities were faced with the challenge of portable drinking water. Residents go up to 5-8km daily in search of portable water while those that can afford to, purchase from water vendors/water boards. The representative of the community leader, Dogon Karfe Jos, Plateau State Nigeria Alh. Muazu M. Kabir expressed his gratitude for the portable water. Other respondents appreciated the quick intervention of these organisations; which has helped reduce their suffering.

2. Proximity to the water point

The project has resulted in time savings and other ripple effects for the communities. The people in these communities had to go long distances searching for water, usually on foot. This sometimes made them late for various economic and social engagements and has caused them fatigue and exposed them to road accidents and health hazards. Mrs Salma Aliyu, one of the residents confirmed when she said in the Hausa language;

“yaran mu sukan samu hatsari ta dalilin tsalake hanyan mota”.


“our children get hit by vehicles in the process of crossing the main road in search of water

Mrs Salma Aliyu talking to our research team

Having good water close to them through this intervention has helped reduce stress, tiredness and risk of accidents. Reduces health risks.

Before portable water was made available to these communities, the people were prone to different health issues such as typhoid, cholera etc. This project has helped minimize these risks and reduce such incidents.

Future plans

Although there has been a significant improvement in the quality of life of people in these communities (Dogon Karfe and Rigip) some challenges still exist. This includes congestion at the water point which needs further attention. Additional water points will be needed to reduce the congestion.

Hands On Community Networks partnership with Hillcrest