Angwan Madaki is a registered youth Community Base Organization (CBO) in Jos North local government area of the State. Its aims include communal living and peaceful coexistence amongst communities.

In response to historical conflicts in Plateau state where religious conflict created mutual suspicion and artificial boundaries amongst communities, the organisation in collaboration with Hands On Community Networks, developed an interfaith youth Association.

The organisation, having now registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission through the guidance of HANCON, has served as a platform for the community to enhance religious tolerance and promote peaceful coexistence.


  1. Hands on Community Networks, in partnership with the Association, organised an awareness programme to begin the process of establishing a peace structure in the community. A meeting was held in June 2019, where the youth group of the community identified attitudes and behaviours that promote the values of peace and tolerance and agreed that imbibing such will enable the enrichment of individuals and communities.
  2. Inter-ethnic and inter-religious cooperation and tolerance through the pursuance of conditions which reduce community vulnerabilities to violence from internal or external causes.

Local community security strengthening through crowdfunding enabled the provision of some essentials required by the security watch of the community. Mr Kamaru Yau Abdullahi and Mr Lawal Idris both noted that items such as raincoats, torch lights, boots and whistles were procured for use by the community. While expressing thanks for the relative peace enjoyed as a result of the collaborative events held which fostered friendships in spite of religious differences, they noted that a lot of work remains undone in the community.

Future plans: HANCON held follow-up meetings with the Leaders of the Association, recorded progress made and identified existing challenges. The recommendation was for investment in building a more cohesive community by promoting respect and diversity; restoring trust and generally reducing the feeling of seeing one’s neighbour as a threat