Hands On Community Networks (HANCON) recognises that sports promote raw talent discovery as well as peace and cooperation in communities. In collaboration with 9ja sports outreach an American non-profit organisation, HANCON organised a basketball competition engaging youth from diverse communities within Jos metropolis. HANCON’s role in the outreach program included:

Some youths participating in the basketball competition
  1. Facilitating all program activities
  2. Community mobilisation by reaching out to vulnerable youths to enable them to find a sense of purpose
  3. Organisation and moderation of Focal Group Discussion (FGD), on skills and talent development
  4. Presentation of gift items to participants.


  1. HANCON had direct access to the participants and obtained first-hand information on the programme’s positive impact as well as areas of improvement
  2. Different skills and talents were discovered in the area of basketball, football, masonry, and electrical and mechanical engineering.
  3. This program promoted unity amongst the youth. In a discussion with Coach Solo and Yusuf Ovey, both from the Rebirth Basketball Academy, they affirmed that since the program, basketballers from different networking teams meet and train at the Dadin Kowa Youth Centre (venue of the event) with great zeal.

 “We have to find a way of sustaining the commitment and energy levels we have seen,” said Coach Solo.

4. Activities such as the basketball competition and focal group discussion served as a good distraction by keeping the youth engaged and occupied thereby preventing them from indulging in illicit activities.

Future Plans

A recommendation was for the prioritisation of skill acquisition, sports and education as sustainable ways of keeping the youth away from the streets and engaging them in positive economic and social activities.